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AI makes plagiarism harder to detect, argue academics – in paper written by chatbot

AI makes plagiarism harder to detect, argue academics – in paper written by chatbot

An academic paper entitled Chatting and Cheating: Ensuring Academic Integrity in the Era of ChatGPT was published this month in an education journal, describing how artificial intelligence (AI) tools “raise a number of challenges and concerns, particularly in relation to academic honesty and plagiarism”. What readers – and indeed the peer reviewers who cleared it for publication – did not know...

AI race is disrupting education firms – and that is just the star

AI race is disrupting education firms – and that is just the star

The artificial intelligence race is already producing losers. On Tuesday, education companies trading on the London and New York stock exchanges saw hundreds of millions wiped from their valuations after Chegg, a US firm that provides online help to students for writing and maths work, said ChatGPT was affecting customer growth. The firm said it had...

ChatGPT in Education: The Pros, Cons and Unknowns of Generative AI

ChatGPT in Education: The Pros, Cons and Unknowns of Generative AI

There’s a lot of drama swirling around this groundbreaking artificial intelligence chatbot, released in November by the startup OpenAI. A few months later, in early March, OpenAI’s GPT-4 was introduced and has already stunned many by easily outperforming its older AI sibling. Not to be outdone, Google announced the arrival of its own AI chatbot, Bard, in late March. Like everywhere...

monochrome photo of math formulas

How to overcome a fear of maths

It’s fair to say maths is not everyone’s favourite subject. In fact, for many people, the feelings of tension and anxiety that arise when trying to solve a mathematical problem can be all consuming. This is known as maths anxiety – and this feeling of being a failure at maths can affect people’s self-worth for years...